20 min. clip |
Oliver Stone Lecture
Oliver Stone with Col. Prouty and others at the National Press Club
disscus his movie "JFK". Oliver goes through his movie point by point
against the "Warren Commision" myth.
30 min. clip |
Oliver Stone Lecture (part II)
Oliver Stone answers questions from the audience regarding his film "JFK".
He offered a good insite into the assassination, and put his film into perspective.
He was very articulate attacking the media disinformation regarding the film, and defended
Jim Garrison and Col. Fletcher Prouty.
Very reasonable and convicing arguments.
16 min. clip |
"The Man X"
From the film 'JFK', the audio in which Donald Sutherland "X" talks with
Kevin Costner. Why was Kennedy shot? Who benefited? Who has the power to cover it up?
In reality this meeting took place through a series of letters between
Jim Garrison and Col. Fletcher Prouty. They did in fact meet face to face.
But not as critics have noted, on the steps of the Lincoln memorial
26 min. clip |
Jim Garrison (part I)
In this rare 1967 lecture, Jim Garrison explains facts and issues which lead him
to question the findings of the Warren Commision. This was before the trial of Clay Shaw
that Oliver Stone's movie "JFK" was based on.
17 min. clip |
Jim Garrison (part II)
From the same lecture, Jim Garrison answers question from the audience.
| |
16 min. clip |
"Jim Garrison Responds"
In this July 15th 1967 television interview Jim Garrison responds to a previous
NBC show slandering him. The time was made available for him to reply to what was
basically a character assassination. None of the charges against him were true.
Thanks to Dave Stager for finding this rare interview.
30 min. clip |
"Johnny Carson interviews Jim Garrison"
The morning after this interview on "The Tonight Show", Jim Garrison back in New Orleans, received
over 2000 telegrams by 9:00am from various District Attorneys across the country.
People were impressed by Carson's nervous antagonism, and in effect said,
"Garrison must have something judging by the number of times that Carson
tried to interrupt or change the topic".
It became so bad that NBC sent out thousands of form letters saying that, "The
Johnny seen on TV that night was not the Johnny we all know and love.
He had to play the devil's advocate, because that makes for a better program".
When they apologized for him, Carson was furious and said, "Garrison would never
be on his show again".
16 min. clip |
"Johnny Carson interviews Jim Garrison" (part II)
Jim Garrison concludes with this statement. " Am I asking the people of America
to believe all this? I'm doing more than that!
I am trying to tell the people of America that the honour of this country is at stake.
And if we don't do something about this fruad.
We will not survive. And there is no way to survive if we don't bring out the truth about
the how our President was killed four years ago.
And the investigation by the Warren Commission wasn't even close.
33 min. clip |
"The JFK Assassination"
Who Killed him and why!
Dave Ratcliffe interviews Fletcher Prouty in his home in 1989.
Fletcher was in fine form as he goes through point by point, the reasons
John Kennedy was killed and where this opposition came from.
If you only have time listen to one of the many interviews, listen to this one!
See also: other interviews by Dave Ratcliffe
Understanding Special Operations
10 min. clip |
Gen. Ed Lansdale in Dealey Plaza
Col. Prouty interviewed by Dave Ratcliffe, confirms the presence of
Maj. Gen. Ed Lansdale in Dealey Plaza Nov. 22nd 1963.
Gen. Ed Lansdale had a long history as a top CIA operator
called upon for removal of governments around the world.
Indonesia, Phillipines, Vietnam, etc. Although he wore an Air Force
uniform he was CIA. He was in charge of "Operation Mongoose", and
The Saigon Military Mission" among others.
See also Col. Prouty's letter to
Jim Garrison regarging
his views of Ed Lansdale's role in the assassination.
11 min. clip |
Jim Garrison Street tour.
In this very rare 1967 interview, Jim Garrison gives a street tour of New Orleans
pointing out the various buildings surrounding 544 camp street.
The Office of Naval Intelligence, and Guy Banister's office
among others. Back at his office Garrison gives more
details of his upcoming trial with Clay Shaw.
8 min. clip |
Clay Shaw interviewed.
Another very rare 1967 interview, Clay Shaw denies knowing or have ever met
David Ferrie or Lee Oswald, despite the evidence, photos of them together for one.
Mr. Shaw gives his thoughts of John F. Kennedy and Jim Garrison and the Warren Commission
30 sec. clip |
Dean Andrews.
A small clip of Dean Andrews for those who wonder what he sounded like.
I'm not under in a position to comment, I'm under closure because of a court order
directing those persons involved, the principles that is, prohibiting comment on the case.
To my right, or the audiences left is my cheif councel
John Doweling and to his right is his associate council Walter Kelly,
and I would suggest that I turn the question over to my capable councilor