Fletcher Prouty Funeral at Arlington National Cemetery

Fletcher Prouty was given a funeral with full military honors by the Air Force. The service was held at the chapel at Fort Meyer. A wonderful eulogy was given by his son David. After the service, the Air Force band was outside and playing. It was a very impressive sight. The horse drawn Caisson pulled up then in a slow pace proceeded to grave site. Family and friends followed behind. Some walked and some drove as it was about a mile, and the cemetery is quite large.

At the site there was again a short service, prayer, a minute of silence, followed by a twenty one gun salute. Then from another hill a lone bugle played taps. It was quite moving. The American Flag was then folded and presented to Mrs. Prouty.

The whole service was done with greatest respect.

There was then a reception at the Officer's club "George C. Patton Hall" And was held in the Creighton Abrams room. Gen. Abrams was from Springfield as was Fletcher, and was the first officer Fletcher reported to.
In attendance Fletcher's family, his sister and close friends and neighbors. Some researchers in attendance: John Judge, William Davy, Greg Burnham, Mike Wilman, Gerard Colby and myself Len Osanic.

As you can see the weather was wonderful, it was a warm and sunny day as we paid our last respects to a great man.
Leroy Fletcher Prouty.

To live on in the hearts of those we leave behind is not to die.

Arlington National Cemetary Website
Fletcher Prouty page
Robert Prouty page