Col. Prouty had written two books

The Secret Team
The Secret Team has been reprinted and now
Available at

It is also included on the Col. Prouty CD-ROM
It is available on line to read at The Secret Team

JFK, The CIA, Vietnam,
And The Plot To Assassinate John F. Kennedy

Strange Ommision
The paperback has a strange omission! The last pages from the hard cover editon have been left off with no explanation. They may have been left off because of the content! If you have the paperback here is what you have missed

If you have read the book and want to leave a review
AMAZON.COM has a reviews page where others have talked about this book
Col. Prouty's JFK book available at AMAZON.COM
They also sell the book for around $20.00

Reviews of the book

Preface and Afterword - 1996

Due to the overwhelming response, we are posting the *new Preface and Afterword* to Col. Prouty's book, "JFK, The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy".

Click here to receive the preface.html file (34K).

Click here to receive the afterjfk.html file (34K).

About the cover...

Credits: Steven Brower Design, studio:
Steven Brower, art director/designer;
Arnold Katz, photographer;
Carol Publishing Group, client

Objective: For the cover of JFK: The CIA, Vietnam and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy, Brower decided to create a photo-illustration of bullet holes in an American flag to represent Kennedy's assassination and its damaging effect on the country. Brower's design required three bullet-hole entrances for the book's back cover and three exit holes for the front cover. With the help of photographer Arnold Katz, arrangements were made for a flag-wrapped book to be "shot" at a local firing range. However, when the shooters realized they were expected to shoot a book wrapped with an American flag, "they became outraged and refused to participate," recalls Brower. After much pleading by Brower and Katz, "someone, in absolute disgust, fired a single shot through the flag-wrapped book."

Challenge: How to produce four more authentic-looking bullet holes?

Solution: After a little experimentation, and using the real entrance and exit bullet holes as models, Brower found that he could re-create the look of the bullet holes using an electric drill, matches and cigarettes. Brower drilled two holes from the back cover all the way through the front cover of the flag-wrapped book. Then, using the matches and cigarettes, he burned and frayed the edges of the drilled holes until the look matched that of the real bullet holes.