If we had learned on November 22, 1963, that the premier of Russia had been
shot from a Moscow office building by a lonely capitalist sympathizer, we
immediately would have pierced the governmental lie and recognized that a coup
d'etat had been accomplished and that new hands had taken over in the Soviet
Union. We would have recognized that it was not reasonable that a
pro-capitalist, and a lonely one without any apparent motive, could have
accomplished within seconds the transfer of leadership of the Soviet Union.
Finally, if the assassin himself were liquidated within 48 hours while
surrounded by armed policemen by a patriotic Moscovite, it would have become
apparent that strong and well-organized forces had seized control of the Russian
We really would not have been greatly interested in examining the grade
school records of the assassinated assassin or in studying his photograph as a
boy taken during a visit to the zoo. We would have been more interested in
knowing what forces were opposed to the late premier's policies and what
assassination machinery was available to these forces.
In short, we would have recognized that the news story disseminated around
the world was an obvious fabrication by which the new Russian government sought
to fool the Russian people, to legitimize its acquisition of power and to
conceal the actual reasons for the coup.
It would have been predictable that a massive search for evidence by Russian
investigators, all of whom now worked for the new government, would confirm that
things had happened just as the new government had announced: that the savage
assassin, his mind inflamed by reading capitalist literature, had accomplished
the meaningless murder. Government investigators could be expected to produce
truckloads of incendiary capitalist literature found hidden in the assassin's
apartment. A photograph would be produced of the lone assassin proudly holding
aloft in one hand the murder weapon and in the other a copy of the Wall Street
Journal. Positive evidence would be exhibited proving that he had lived for a
period in Chicago. Anyone who had followed the developing Russian scenario would
be asking a great deal of human nature to expect that later a group of Russian
officials, each handpicked by the new premier, would announce that he had been
placed in office by a coup d'etat and that the government's investigation was a
The assassination of President Kennedy demonstrated that many people will
believe the most unlikely inventions rather than confront the fact that their
government is lying to them. These people have become conditioned to accepting
official announcements as rocks of reality, and it is painful for them to
consider that these rocks are without substance.
Washington could have announced that Lee Oswald, having received blimp
training in Russia, had bombed the President's limousine from a blimp. The
X-rays of the President's autopsy would still be unavailable. The Zapruder film,
showing the President's head being shattered by the bullet from the front, would
still be concealed from the country. In September of 2039 citizens could view
the blimp itself.
There would have been editorials, piercing to the heart of the matter,
calling for stricter control on blimps. Anyone who publicly questioned the
official blimp story would be denounced as a politically ambitious seeker of
attention. Congress would be debating daylight saving time and pretending that
we were not at war. Nothing would be greatly different because the blimp story
would be exactly as accurate as the one which we were given.
In Nazi Germany the professors at the universities and the intellectuals,
those who would have been expected to perceive reality more effectively, waited
as quietly as rabbits in a pen until, one by one, they were picked up by the
ears and taken off to the crematoria, still unwilling to face the reality that
their country would do this to them.
We fear rejection by our government just as, when we were children, we feared
rejection by our parents. We do not want to learn that the country in which we
have lived all our lives has changed. We do not want to find that we are alone
in a strange land.
The planning of the assassination took full account of this. The timing and
the adroitness of the government's gradual release of the preplanned official
fiction indicated confidence that it would be accepted by the press and by the
public regardless of what the evidence indicated.
Kennedy's assassination and the subsequent concealment of the facts by the
government's professional investigation also demonstrated that there is
virtually nothing which men will not do once it becomes clear that their deeds
have governmental sanction, the past childhood equivalent of parental approval.
Brutality and injustice, once they are permitted, become accepted as routine.
This is why in war ordinarily civilized men frequently commit the most
uncivilized atrocities, although it is customary for the press of any nation to
indicate that this is only being done by the other side.
In Dallas, once it became apparent that Lee Oswald was the officially
designated rabbit, career law enforcement authorities shouldered aside the
eyewitnesses and the evidence and concentrated their attention on the
make-believe charges against him.
There are few things in the world of men which power cannot do. It can make
men rich overnight, and it can destroy them. It can put billion dollar defense
industries in rural areas and destroy the economy of major cities. It can turn
ordinary men into powerful officials, and it can turn extraordinary men into
Power can also change front into back and down into up. Front was changed
into back when the Zapruder film and the autopsy X-rays were kept out of sight
and the government announced that the President was shot from the back. Front
was changed into back when the frontal neck wound, which had been identified as
a probable entrance wound by the civilian doctors at Parkland Hospital, was
announced to be an exit wound by the military doctors in Washington. It was
later learned that the military doctors never really examined the neck wound ---
because they were given orders not to probe it. This merely confirms the fact
that it was power, and not medical knowledge, which changed front into back.
Down was changed into up when the government announced that Lee Oswald was on
the sixth floor of the depository when the assassination occurred. There is no
acceptable evidence to support the claim that Oswald was on the sixth floor
during the period of the assassination. All witnesses who did not find it
necessary to later change their stories describe men on the sixth floor, but it
is plain that none of these men was Oswald. He was seen on the first floor at
noon by Eddie Piper, a 55-year-old janitor at the Texas School Book Depository.
After the shooting, Oswald was observed on the second floor by Roy Truly, the
56-year-old superintendent of the Texas School Book Depository, and Officer
Marion Baker, as they rushed up the stairs. Even had it not been he downstairs
but, instead, someone who happened to look like him, Oswald could not have flown
down the stairs to encounter Truly and Baker, because Victoria Adams, an
employee at the depository at that time, was coming down the stairs from the
fourth floor, and no one passed her. Nor could Oswald have come down the
elevator, because it was on the fifth floor with its door propped open. Up to
the time of his execution no one claimed to have seen Lee Oswald on the sixth
floor, much less at the window with a gun. Nevertheless, power changed down into
up; and history now has him diabolically crouched at the sixth floor window.
Down was also changed into up when, in the official reenactment of the
assassination, the window at the assassin's lair was raised higher than it
actually was at the time of the President's murder in order to permit the
reconstructors on the sixth floor to point the rifle without lying down on the
floor. The official theory had the assassin crouched over the boxes at the sixth
floor window, but the Dillard photograph of the building, taken within seconds
of the murder, showed the window to be open only a short distance from the
bottom. Thus, if the government's story were true, unless the window was
immediately lowered after the assassination, the assassin would have had to
shoot his rifle through the window glass or else fire through the glass to have
fired on the President. It is possible that such irresponsible damage to
property, had it occurred, might have impelled the Dallas police to a more
aggressive inquiry. However, the problem of the low window was solved at the
time of the official reenactment by simply raising it higher so as to conform to
the official story of the assassination.
Power can make things which existed disappear as if they had never existed.
Because the assassination was planned on a need-to know basis, most of the
officers on the Dallas police force did not know it was going to happen and were
under the initial delusion that they were really free to inquire into the murder
of the President. During this exceedingly brief period of innocence, police
officers encountered another rifle at the book depository which was not part of
the approved scenario. Until control was obtained over the situation, this
building which housed children's schoolbooks more closely resembled the Alamo.
The rifle encountered was triumphantly brought down from the depository by
Dallas police officers a few minutes after 1:00 P.M.
Its discovery was recorded on film by a cameraman named Mentesana and made
available commercially in the Dallas Cinema Associates film of the
assassination. In the film, the rifle is being held aloft by a policeman, and
other officers and citizens are crowded around to stare at this nearly historic
weapon. Beneath the filmed scene is the legend "The Assassin's Rifle." Unlike
the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle subsequently produced as Lee Oswald's murder
weapon, "The Assassin's Rifle" has no telescopic sight on it. This rifle has
never been publicly seen since.
On the sixth floor of the depository, Officer Seymour Weitzman, searching
through the crates of books, found a hidden rifle which he described as a 7.65
Mauser. In a sworn affidavit he also described the Mauser's telescopic sight as
being 4/18 power and also spoke of the gun strap. It should be added that
Weitzman formerly was in the sporting goods business and knew guns. The 6.5
Mannlicher-Carcano, later produced as Oswald's, had "Made in Italy" boldly
printed on the side. The 7.65 Mauser is as easily distinguishable from this
cheap rifle as it is from a bowl of spaghetti.
When the official scenario finally filtered down through the Dallas ranks,
the Mauser disappeared and the rifle without a sight disappeared, and all that
remained was the Mannlicher-Carcano with which the lone assassin, legend now
tells us, accomplished history's greatest sharpshooting feat unaided by other
rifles in the hands of other men. The other rifles became as nonexistent as
unicorns, unworthy of attention in the government's 26 volume summary of "the
hearings" and "the evidence."
The nice thing, for the official investigation, about the Mannlicher-Carcano
was that three empty cartridges found by the famous window matched it and had,
at some point in time, been fired from it. Two of the cartridges were lying next
to each other and were not ejected ten to twelve feet out to the side as
cartridges ordinarily are.
When the Mannlicher-Carcano was sent to the FBI laboratory, the technician
were unable to find any of Lee Oswald's fingerprints on it.
Some nine days later --- a week after Oswald's murder --- the Dallas Police
Department rushed up to Washington a palm print of Oswald's which it said it had
found on the gun. However, even the stoutest defenders of the Dallas police, a
most exclusive group by that time, did not put too much stock in the
late-discovered palm print.
Although it is possible to determine by tests whether or not a rifle has been
fired recently, there is no evidence that such a test was given to the rifle
which was supposed to have killed the President. One can hardly blame the law
enforcement authorities for not wanting to play Russian roulette at this point.
It was bad enough that the paraffin test tended to exonerate Oswald from having
fired a rifle without exonerating the rifle as well.
Power can cause unpropelled inanimate objects to move from one position to
The official photograph of the assassin's lair in the depository was taken at
the outset of the "investigation" which followed and is shown for all to see in
the Warren Commission exhibits. You can see clearly the two stacks of book
crates, each stack consisting of two large crates one on top of the other, and
it helps to show how the killer, his mind ravaged by Marxist readings, built a
comfortable shooting perch from which he could shoot at the President and strike
a blow for leftism. A question exists, however, as to just who constructed the
assassin's lair, because this particular lair was built after the assassination.
As the middle section of the parade moved along Houston Street toward the
left turn by the depository, Tom Dillard, a news photographer, took a photograph
of the depository from his moving car. Instead of showing the official
assassin's lair constructed of two equally sized piles of crates, two on one
side and two on the other, it reveals that at the time of the President's murder
the two piles of crates consisted of three crates on the left side and one on
the right side --- an arrangement not nearly as convenient for assassination as
the official one thought up after the President's murder.
Even in fictional murder cases it is considered to be in bad taste to alter
evidence so as to create a picture more advantageous to the investigators. The
men who shifted the crates after the assassination in order to create a
structure at the window more suggestive of Oswald's guilt plainly were unaware
that their breach of etiquette would be revealed by the earlier photographs
taken during the parade. As a result, however, anyone who examines the
assassin's lair as depicted in the official photograph and as depicted in the
parade photograph in Exhibit Dillard B will find that he is looking at two
differently constructed lairs in the same window. To give credit where credit is
due, however, the lair of crate boxes constructed after the assassination is
much more practical for shooting down on the street than the crate structure
which existed at the window when the President was killed.
Fingerprints and palm prints were taken from these book crates. Three of them
were identified as Lee Oswald's. However, inasmuch as his job involved moving
these book crates around on the sixth floor, these prints are not inculpatory at
all. Another print was never identified and did not match that of any employee
in the building, a fact which would be of some interest in most cases. Twenty-
four prints were identified as belonging to two law enforcement agents, a
circumstance really more inculpatory than the finding of Oswald's prints, since
these law enforcement officers did not work on the sixth floor as he did.
Of course, one might observe that because of the overwhelming evidence that
the fatal shot came from the knoll in front of the President, it did not make
too much difference how boxes were stacked in a window to his rear. The
government had a reply to this. The eyewitness and medical evidence as to the
shooting from the front were systematically ignored and thereby were rendered
nonexistent. The vaporization of such distracting factors cleared the way for
concentration on the impelling question as to why Lee Oswald had come out
of nowhere to remove the Chief Executive of the United States. This historic
hypocrisy was crowned by the posthumous study of Oswald made by a distinguished
psychiatrist retained by the government. Calling attention to Oswald's unusually
poor spelling, Dr. Renatus Hartogs concluded that the frustrating effect of
Oswald's spelling disability would not be inconsistent with his having decided
to murder the President.
Let us assume that Dr. McClelland had acquired his medical education from a
correspondence course and was under the impression that the temple is in the
rear of the head. Assume further that the witnesses on the first floor of the
depository were not really looking at Oswald but rather at a young man who was
his spitting image and happened to be dressed like him, while the real Oswald
crouched at a window upstairs on the sixth floor. Assume further that the police
had found neither Mausers nor a rifle without a telescopic sight and that the
only rifle found was the Mannlicher-Carcano allegedly owned by Oswald. There
still remains the critical question of whether it would have been possible for
Lee Oswald to have accomplished the shooting feat credited to him. If it were
impossible, for example, for him to have achieved the carnage at Dealey Plaza
with that rifle, then it would not matter whether he were a Marxist or a
vegetarian and the fact of his early death would not convert the impossibility
into a possibility.
We know that while he was in the Marines, Lee Oswald's last record in firing
just barely achieved the minimum score for qualification. We know also from his
fellow Marine, Nelson Delgado, that Oswald was known on the shooting range as
one who very frequently got "Maggie's drawers" --- the waving of the red flag
from the target pit indicating that he had missed the entire target sheet.
Yet the shooting feat credited to him by the government not only would have
placed him on any Olympic rifle team but would have elevated him to the rank of
one of the best riflemen in history. In the less than six seconds during which
all of the shooting was done, he would have had to aim and fire the ancient
bolt-action rifle three times (subsequent experiments showed that no one could
fire the weapon any faster than that within the given time limit) and yet hit
his quarry in the back (or back of neck, depending on which of the autopsy
descriptions you accept) and the head. For the first shot from the window, as
the Warren Commission had to concede, the obstruction caused by the foliage of a
large tree would have allowed him less than eight-tenths of a second to aim his
first shot. Furthermore, the commission had to ignore evidence of a shot
impacting on the President prior to the emergence of the Presidential limousine
from that area where it was shielded by that same foliage from the view of any
gunman positioned in the Texas School Book Depository building.
The contradiction between Lee Oswald's recorded mediocrity and the laurels
posthumously placed on his brow by the American government were explained by
Walter Cronkite, a defender of the commission, in a CBS documentary on the
Warren Report. He admitted that under normal circumstances Oswald would have
taken longer. But the circumstances were not normal. He was shooting at a
President. It is not easy to reply to such compelling logic. Undeniably it was
not the sort of opportunity the average citizen encounters every day, and it may
be that the prestige of the target inspires more accurate marksmanship. It is
entirely possible that back in his Marine days, had Oswald been shooting not at
an ordinary black bulls-eye but at a real live lieutenant general of the Marines
he may have achieved a higher score.
In order to be completely thorough in its investigation, the government
decided to duplicate the alleged assassination from the sixth floor window of
the depository. Otherwise it was obvious that rumormongers and malcontents would
spread the word that it could not be done, and such unfounded comments eat away
at the very foundation of government by the people.
First, however, it was necessary to have shims, thin strips of metal, placed
in the mounting of the telescopic sight of the Mannlicher-Carcano. This was
necessary because the sight was not adjusted parallel to the rifle barrel,
meaning that whatever one was seeing through the sight was not necessarily being
pointed at by the rifle barrel.
Judging from its conduct of the duplication, the government seems to have
recognized that the lone assassin was one of the great riflemen in history. It
seems to have recognized this shortly after the assassination, if not before.
To duplicate the lone assassin's feat, three professional riflemen, each a
rated Master in the National Rifle Association, were selected. They shot from a
platform 30 feet high, half as high as the sixth floor window. Their targets
were not moving, as in the legend of the lone assassin, but were fixed. Their
targets were also larger, consisting of a two-square-foot silhouette of the head
and shoulders, rather than of the limited portions which would have been exposed
had they been men riding in a car. They were allowed as much time as they needed
for aiming for the first shot, whereas the lone assassin, as the Warren
Commission later conceded, would have had less than eight-tenths of a second to
aim his first shot.
The Master riflemen were unable to do it. Only one of them was able to get
three rounds fired, as the lone assassin was supposed to have done, within the
required time. With every conceivable advantage set up for them, it cannot be
said that the professional riflemen came close to the marksmanship credited to
the lone assassin. They were like blind men shooting at flies. All that the
government tests did was to demonstrate what already was apparent: that the
official fairy tale was not merely untrue but, like all fairy tales, impossible.
Ordinarily, when it becomes apparent that it is impossible for a suspect to
have committed a crime, he is eliminated as a suspect and discharged from
custody. However, America was no longer an ordinary place. It had become a place
where truth was turned into lie and lies became the bases for the official
version of the assassination.
In such a place the government need not fear that any of its agencies will do
anything about the lie. Nor need it fear that there will be protests from the
elected representatives of the people. Nor need it fear that the national press
will raise any but polite questions.
Three years after tho assassination, two-thirds of the American people did
not believe the official conclusions of the government about John Kennedy's
murder. Nevertheless, the highest government officials continued to pretend that
no serious questions existed, that nothing was wrong.
The United States government had mushroomed into a superstate. In the
superstate it makes no difference what the people think because they are
capsulated from the center of power of the government. Truth becomes a
government-controlled commodity.
In Orwell's 1984, history was merely chalk writing on a blackboard and
it was erased and rewritten whenever it suited the government's convenience.
Original documents or evidence which contradicted new authoritative versions of
history were destroyed by the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth. After
the falsification was completed, there was no way for the people to prove it had
occurred, and the changes calcified into official truth.
When a powerful government takes a stand against the truth, other elements of
the power structure may join in the defense against the common enemy. In France,
the government, the military, the press and the church asserted with a single
voice that Dreyfus was guilty and condemned those who suggested otherwise.
Dreyfus had to be guilty, they said, for if he were not it meant that the
generals of France were lying, and this was impossible. As it turned out, the
impossible had occurred. The generals of France had been lying.
No matter how idealistic are the foundations of a government or how virtuous
its previous history, its accumulation of excessive power transforms it into the
superstate. The superstate is an organism committed to maintaining its
tremendous power in the face of truth, in the face of history. The technicians
of the superstate, ignoring morality and the lessons of history, will protect
the superstate with whatever deception or destruction is necessary.
The superstate's rationale for attacking the truth will always be national
security, but the real reason is the preservation of power. Its use of authority
to defeat reason is undoubtedly mankind's oldest way of winning a feud. Such use
of authority continues to be effective whenever the people have become isolated
from the government and cannot control it.
The result is that the scapegoat in a coup d'etat is presumed guilty because
of his weakness. Those who question his guilt are presumed mentally unbalanced
because of their irrelevance, and the government is presumed innocent because of
its power.