"The Collected Works Of Col. L. Fletcher Prouty"
The most comprehensive collection of information regarding the JFK assassination

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Contents Description
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V5.5 of the CD-ROM
- "The Collected Works of Col. L. Fletcher Prouty is AVAILABLE here

This latest updated version has just been released as of January 1st 2025 This is a much improved version with "MUCH" more Video and Audio added.

Purchase Information
The Price for this collection is only $30.00 available by Direct Download ( 4 Gigs)
Download Here

Description of Contents

Video Clips

13 Video Clips of Col Prouty speaking ranging from 30 sec. to over 9:00 min in length.

Over 3 HOURS of video interviews with Fletcher
These are .mp4 video and 'Real Media'

  • Col. L. Fletcher Prouty discusses his writing of the JFK assassination and his 23 year career in the military and the documents he has to support his views. Length = 6:24 min. (mp4)

  • "His opinion of the Oliver Stone film JFK" Length = 3:28 min. (mp4)

  • A discussion of the Bay of Pigs failure. "Why did McGeorge Bundy called General Cabel to cancel the air strike" Length = 10:47 min. (mp4)

  • A discussion of the pilot Allen Pope and Gary Powers Length = 18:41 min. (mp4)

  • Interview with John Judge at Fletcher's home 1992 Length = 1:18:45 min. (mp4)

  • The Drug Trade - We spend billions of dollars to have an impenetrably Air Defense system. Col. Prouty was one of the founders of Air Defense Command so he knows exactly what its business is and how it works. Length = 16:42 min. (mp4)

  • The origins of Oil - There has never been a fossil found below 16,000 feet. But we drill for oil 28, 30, 32,000 feet everyday of the week. So right there we rule out that Oil is a "fossil" fuel. Length = 8:39" min. (mp4)

  • "The Camp Outside of Athens" Length = 1:37 min. (mp4)

  • From Parade magazine Elliot Roosevelt wrote that he heard from Stalin, that his father was killed. Length = 2:57 min. (mp4)

  • Fletcher got Ed Lansdale his promotion in his Air Force cover assignment. He was CIA and worked for Dulles Length = 4:13 min. (mp4)

  • John Judge discusses Covert Operations in Washington Length = 18:09 min. (mp4)

    This section features Digital Audio of Col. Fletcher Prouty.
    We have looked through all of the important interviews, lectures,
    and radio shows for the highlights of Col. Prouty on Audio
    There is currently OVER NINE HOURS of Col. Prouty included.
    In order to fit these onto the CD, they have been recorded
    in a "Real Audio" format that requires you to have a sound card on your computer.
    The Various answers to questions range from a few minutes,
    to over 35 minutes in length!
    Most lectures are are over 1 hour in length.

    Here is a description of the titles found in the Audio Section the CD-ROM

      1. Anatomy of an Assassination   16:13
      2. The CIA and World Peace - Yale lecture 1975   25:48
      3. A discussion of Allen Dulles   5:07
      4. The Assassination of JFK   32:54
      5. The Tramp photos and Ed. Lansdale   19:21
      6. Gen. Ed Lansdale identified in photo in Dealey Plaza   4:24
      7. Lansdale being tagged as an operator in Vietnam.   8:39
      8. A discussion of NSAM 263 and NSAM 273   14:57
      9. Thoughts on the movie "JFK"   3:45
    10. Security Clearances   2:22
    11. The "resort" outside Athens   1:34

    12. MIA's and the Insurance problem   17:57
    13. POW-MIA discussion   7:04
    14. The origins of the Vietnam conflict.   23:11
    15. Mr. President will you please define "it"   8:02
    16. Origins of Countries, Vietnam, and Malthus.   34:42
    17. Darwin, and global population and expansion.   22:44
    18. The origins of the Cold War   12:42
    19. Gary Powers U-2 flight   16:32
    20. Some examples of "The High Cabal"   9:16

    21. Terrorism, Cold War, & "Report From Iron Mountain"   19:14
    22. A discussion of the Report From Iron Mountain.   14:49
    23. 3rd World debt, The TFX fighter, and Leonard Lewin.   29:55

    24. Mind Control, MKULTRA, and Dr. Ewen Cameron Part I   16:36
    25. Mind Control, MKULTRA, and Dr. Ewen Cameron Part II   8:02
    26. Mind Control the Press and the Oklahoma bombing   13:22

    27. Flight KE-007   11:30
    28. Flight KE-007   21:19

    29. CIA infiltration of the HSCA   1:17
    30. Is Col. Prouty worried that he'll say too much.   1:04
    31. Incident with Top Secret documents at the Pentagon.   2:52
    32. The Gen. who had enough and retired   9:32
    33. The Nugan - Hand bank   2:16
    34. UFO's and deception by the military   3:32
    35. Elliot Roosevelt, Stalin, and the Churchill Gang.   3:55
    36. A witness to the Bobby Kennedy assassination   10:32

    37. ABC, Capital Cities, and Economic Intelligence.   4:56
    38. Japanese plans change to Hydrogen from Petroleum   3:19
    39. Trip to Antarctica, and Nuclear power   14:33
    40. CIA Handbook for Latin America   32:53
    41. The Defense Budget   8:32
    42. The story of Officer training - building a bridge   12:43
    43. Interview with Daniel Shore / CIA in the White House   07:13
    44. Information on how FOIA really works   17:00

    45. A discussion of the Apenndix to the "Secret Team"   32:05
    Col. Prouty explains this important document included in the Appendix of his book "The Secret Team". It includes the job description, his role in the 'Office of Special Operations' and in the 'Office of The Secretary of Defense'. He explains the role of his office in Covert Operations, the NSA, CIA, DIA, and the Department of Defense.

    46. Excerpts from "Understanding Special Operations"
    These 16 interviews total almost three hours of CIA related material!
    47. Audio interviews regarding the JFK Assassination
    Clay Shaw, Dean Andrews Lee Oswald, Jim Garrison etc.


    Jim Garrison Letters
    Several letters between Jim and Fletcher discussing the assassination.
    Documents supplied by Jim Garrison
    Many lectures and interviews with Jim discussing his trial.
    And of course Jim Garrison on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson.
    Oliver Stone Letters
    Correspondence and articles written by Oliver Stone.
    Lectures regarding the "man X" character (text and audio)
    Video clip of Col. Prouty discussing his role as adviser for the film.

    - Personal Information
    - Career Achievements

    - More than 130 Essays, and Articles that Col. Prouty has written are on the CD-ROM.
    Every Article, Document, or Chapter can be printed out.
    They are also stored seperately as .doc and .txt files. The different subjects of material include:

    -The JFK Assassination
    -The CIA
    -Air Travel and Terrorism
    -Railroads and Transportation
    -Petroleum and Energy
    And much more.

    - His rare book, "The Secret Team" is also included along with an updated preface. All chapters and sections from the book can be printed. -The three Appendicies included contain very rare material.

    JFK, Vietnam The CIA, and the plot to assassinate John F. Kennedy
    His 2nd book including up to date Preface and Afterword

    -There is a large photo album section of over 200 photos at last count.

    The Documents section include items from the Foreign Relations of the United States, (FRUS) , VIETNAM Vol. IV Aug- Dec. 1963
    Personal Documents - includes letters of those to Jim Garrison, Oliver Stone, Vincent Salandria and others.

    And there is lots more including;
    A 113 page dcocument from the "Department Of The Army, Office Of The Assistanant Chief Of Staff, Intelligence."
    The document disscusses PACIFICATION and SPECIAL WARFARE.
    This document was the blue print for VIETNAM. This is the first time it has ever been made public!

    Also documents "PROJECT EAGLE" which Col. Prouty and Ed Lansdale had worked on for Africa

  • Purchase Information
    The Price for this collection is only $30.00 available by Direct Download ( 4 Gigs)
    Download Here

    Click here to view the "Table of Contents" page
    The Title page should be viewed at monitor resolution 800x600
    Note: This is just an example... the links won't work without the CD-ROM

    The CD-ROM is written in HTML and needs a browser to view Please obtain the latest version of

    Will open with the Title Page. After a ten second audio introduction you can select "Go to Main Menu" at the bottom of the page. And you're all set.

    Just a note to mention that every file is listed the "Master File List" section. If you print this list out first, you can make a note of the articles your have already gone through. It will give you a good scope of the entire contents of the CD-ROM.
    Every article, essay, chapter etc. is also saved in a folder called "docfiles". This is where "Word" documents. (.doc) are keep.
    --- -- -- --

    If you have any problems at all please feel free to contact me.
    e-mail Len Osanic at; osanic@prouty.org or call 1 604 525-3974

    Thank you for your support,
    Len Osanic

    Col. Prouty has come across some "Very Important Documents".
    These were his comments in a fax;

    To: Len Osanic
    From: Fletcher Prouty
    Subject: Document Collation, Review and Comment...
    This Document: NSAM 273 and its Revision

    I have been able to dig from my records a most important and fascinating collection of copies of the McGeorge Bundy drafts of what became NSAM 273, dated Nov. 21, Nov. 24, and Nov. 26. The Draft coding indicates that Mac Bundy sent copies to no less than 9 key Kennedy people. In the process it was modified several times by various other offices; and the Final, Nov. 26th, LBJ copy is very different from the original JFK draft by Mac Bundy.

    This can be very important; so I am going to make a special report of this document to reveal the possiblility that Mac Bundy, among others may have known that JFK was going to be killed.

    I have a copy of a letter signed by Bundy from his office with the Carnigie Foundation in 1991 in which he writes that he was not in Honolulu on Nov. 20th , 1963. Also, I have government papers that list his name as a member of that important group. Then I have a copy of another personal letter from Bundy, later saying that he now recollects and that he was there. What is he hiding?

    Because this is so important, I shall keep working on all of this and will be able to provide you with copies of all of these most interesting items. Take time; but it is worth it.


    Information never seen or heard before on the Kennedy assassination alone will make this a must have! Fletcher is searching through his numerous files for articles on other topics, as well. He has also written extensively on Banking and Railroads.

    ----Here's what people are saying about the CD-ROM-----

    I'm very impressed. This is important subject material.
    I was surprised at the amount of information contained on the CD.

    Best Regards,
    Oliver Stone

    JFK/Deep Politics Quarterly - July issue
    Steve Gerlach of "Probable Cause" - Australia
    CD-ROM review - Steamshovel Press
    CD-ROM review - JFK WATCH
    CD-ROM review by The Georgia Straight

    CD-ROM reviews from those who have purchased!
    If after all this... you're not sure... convinced that
    this is the finest collection available anywhere...

    Read a few unsolicited comments from those who actually
    purchased the Prouty CD-ROM
